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CRM data warehousing project
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is a strategy used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them.
Goals of CRM project
- provide better customer service
- make call centers more efficient
- cross sell products more effectively
- help sales staff close deals faster
- simplify marketing and sales processes
- discover new customers
- increase customer revenues
Some examples of the types of data CRM should be collecting
- Responses to campaigns
- Shipping and fulfillment dates
- Sales and purchase data
- Account information
- Web registration data
- Service and support records
- Demographic data
- Web sales data
Our CRM data warehouse solution combines our expertise in CRM with extensive experience in data warehousing.
SolovatSoft developed analytical CRM data warehouse solution for a customer that offers the following:
Data model to capture and track customer product holding, product usage, contact history and events
A well defined process model for design, development and implementation
Focus on data cleansing, match & merge and ETL to integrate customers